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Why do use platelet rich plasma (PRP) Treatments in aesthetics? Dynamic Regenerative Medicine

Writer's picture: Adam WhatleyAdam Whatley

PRP Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma) has become a buzzword in the cosmetic industry, and is growing by popular demand. PRP is a procedure that utilises the ability of growth factors taken from a patient’s blood platelets, which are injected into skin and many other tissues to stimulate stem cells. This then used to produce new collagen to improve complexion and rejuvenate skin. Here we discuss how the promotion of growth factors into the skin can result in the creation of a healthier, more youthful complexion.

After years of stuttering regenerative medicine, and hearing, seeing many fantastic results, this is where it became apparent to offer this fantastic service to our non-surgical patients. We now use PRP to treat injury, pain and arthritis in addition to improving health, color, tone and texture of the skin, as well as to help hair regrowth in both male and female patients.  

So firstly, how PRP works It is quite a fascinating process. The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is contained with in our blood becomes activated and useful whenever we have an injury. We begin by taking a sample of the patient’s own blood, processing it and separating out the special PRP devise. This PRP is further concentrated, until it becomes a nice clear yellow (often referred to as liquid gold), then is injected back into the patient at the procedure site to aid healing and tissue growth. What makes this somewhat unique is that we are using a patient’s own healing biological processes to create an improvement in the soft tissue, skin, improvement in the hair follicle during hair restoration treatment, and to improve healing wherever we need it. When an injury occurs the platelets release growth factors that work to heal the tissue and create new collagen. The activated platelets can also be used on the surface of the skin and delivered through a micro-needling technique to create a health, glowing complexion. Although we are taking platelets from the blood to perform a PRP procedure, we do not use the red blood cells in the procedure. The blood is processed through a centrifuge and when it is reinjected it is a clear yellow colour.

The use of PRP in an aesthetics At Dynamic Regenerative Medicine we use it in combination with a variety of different procedures. Hair restoration is a very common use. Sun damaged skin is another common treatment, especially when we apply the micro-needling device also. 

Our treatments can significantly improve the look of the skin with PRP and micro-needling to give the patient more youthful looking skin, as well as improved tone and complexion. PRP is finding more uses in the aesthetic practices because of its healing and cell growth capabilities.

PRP treatment on the neck and chest or decollatage area Yes Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment can also be used to improve skin tissue on the back of the hands and the signs of aging on the neck and the chest area of a female. PRP works great to improve sun damage on the chest and neck and to revitalise skin tissue via the stimulation of collagen.  With age skin becomes lax and loses elasticity. With the use of PRP the skin can thicken and become more elastic helping rebuild fragile tissue, giving the skin much more of the youthful appearance.

How long does a PRP procedure take? The procedure itself is pretty quick, From anywhere from 15–20 minutes. Generally 45 minutes is required for the whole procedure.

How many treatments would I need? Each patient responds different, with variable factors involved. Patient age, nutritional status, hormonal balance, smoking et cetera. We try to do everything we can in one procedure, but some patients require further and as these treatments create improvement over time, having several treatments in the first few months will ultimately yield far better results. Here at Dynamic Regenerative Medicine we tend to follow the research currently states which is of course of up to 3 treatments, spread three weeks apart.

Regenerative medicine: PRP in aesthetic medicine? PRP is proving that it has multiple benefits, from surgical cases to injectables and hair restoration. We believe that the treatment of PRP will continue to grow as it has a great benefit in the future of aesthetics, and better still it is completely natural.

Find out more on how this treatment can help you. 

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