Standard drugs vs PRP Hair Regeneration So far the widest prescribed drugs for male pattern hair loss are Minoxidil and Finasteride but these are temporary solutions designed to prevent hair loss. Minoxidil works by opening up the cell channels allowing more oxygen, blood, and nutrients to reach the follicles. Finasteride prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which translates to less androgen activity in the scalp. If these drugs are discontinued, any therapeutic benefits will reverse within about 6 months. Unfortunately the people who take these drugs will still lose hair as it’s not 100% effective in its function of stopping hair loss.

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a whole different story. It’s perhaps the only treatment out there that has clinically proven to regenerate hair follicles . Meaning it not only slows down hair loss, it actually helps promote new hair growth. Some patients report that a single injection treatment has produced for them hair regeneration results for FIVE YEARS AND RUNNING. Of course, different patients have varying outcomes. Until recently we only had two serious options for hair loss recovery. We had drugs that produced temporary effects, and we had surgery that transplanted hairs. And nothing in between. That’s why PRP Regeneration has gained a lot of traction recently. This alongside the huge fact that PRP for Hair Loss is natural and the drugs have common side effects. This doesn’t mean all other treatments are obsolete. Some patients prefer a comprehensive approach to battling hair loss and they’ll want to fire-on-all-cylinders right from the start. Fortunately, Platelet-Rich Plasma treatments have little side effects or contra-indications and can be safely combined with other treatments.
If you’d like to find out more on how this treatment can help you get in touch with our friendly team at