Adam Whatley

Dec 14, 20171 min

PRP for scar treatment Birmingham


PRP for Scar Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy is an effective form of treatment for scars and acne marks. The growth factors found in the platelets regenerate tissues and create new blood vessels, improving the texture and vitality of the skin making this natural form of treatment very favourable.

PRP therapy  stimulates skin keratin which leads to new collagen production in place of the scarred skin tissue. PRP regenerates and rejuvenates skin tissue, utilising your own skin cells’ functions.

The patient’s blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets. This contains many growth factors that promote skin healing and stimulate collagen and elastin growth at the site of the PRP injection. The PRP is injected into the acne scar areas of the face (or other sites of scarring). There is essentially no downtime, any discomfort or swelling is only temporary.

Treatment for acne scarring typically utilises 1-3 treatment sessions, most often spaced approximately one month apart. Expected outcomes include a more even skin texture, increased volume at the site of scarring and a more revitalised skin tone and appearance. Over the course of the treatments, you can expect a gradually refreshed look. 

For further information on how PRP Treatment can help your acne scars or other scars please feel free to visit:

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