Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an exciting and popular method for treating acne scarring, using specialised cells from your own blood. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) a.k.a. “Vampire Facial”, is treatment used for skin Rejuvenation and also scar treatment, showing very exciting results for patients looking to correct acne scars and rejuvenate their skin.
How can PRP treatment work for Acne Scarring?
Here at Dynamic Regenerative Medicine in Solihull we insure our platelet rich plasma treatments are are of the best quality possible. So much so in fact that we even use a very similar system to inject joints and the spine. Our PRP injections release growth factors that will stimulate healing of the skin and promote collagen and elastin regeneration.
A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm and then put into the specialised centrifuge, which separates white and red blood cells, and highly concentrated platelet rich plasma. This high concentration platelet-rich plasma (light yellow colour) is then injected into sites on the face with acne scars, with a microneedle technique. In some cases we may perform a series of micro-needling (Derma roller) before the injections of PRP to further stimulate the production of collagen. This is a very simple, painless, easy to perform treatment with minimal downtime, no scarring and practically no side-effects, better still it is completely natural with no drug use.
What are the benefits of PRP treatment?
Following the injection treatment of platelet rich plasma, this then stimulates the release of growth factors which further stimulate the production of collagen to better improve the appearance of your acne scarring.
Find out how PRP treatment can benefit your skin and improve your acne scarring.
Find out more by visiting OR get in touch to schedule a FREE consultation at 01564330773
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